Discover why Americans are waiting for someone else to fix what’s broken in society. Philip Howard joins Andy to discuss how every citizen can take action instead of sitting back and hoping someone else does the job.
7:31: How Has Government Strangled Efficiency?
10:55: How Have Public Unions Co-Opted Government?
15:16: How Can Citizens Change Entrenched Bureaucracies That No Longer Serve The Public?
19:55: What Is The Most Dangerous Aspect Of Bureaucracies With No Accountability?
22:49: How Is Our Current Crisis Of Confidence Different?
27:00: How Does Our Culture Make Citizens “Fat and Happy?”
Discover how Tether is tied to fiat currencies inside the crypto universe. Carol Alexander joins Andy to explain how the crypto currency market is quickly evolving and full of risk and opportunity.
6:47: What Role Does Tether Play In The Crypto Universe?
17:28: How Should Investors Be Concerned About Tether?
22:10: How Does Tether Impact The Value Of The Dollar?
25:53: What’s The Future Of Crypto?
33:47: What Role Will Central Banks Play In Cryptos?
39:03: How Can Investors Educate Themselves About Crypto?
Discover how non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have skyrocketed in popularity, and what value they offer to businesses and content creators.
2:45: How Have NFTs Created Value?
5:10: What Is Tokenism?
12:57: How Are NFTs Digital Certifications Of Ownership?
21:22: How Can NFTs Improve Credibility In The Marketplace?
31:29: How Do NFTs Protect Intellectual Property?